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Hog 20-04-2016 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by discostu (Post 945841)
It maybe time to invest in a proper 2.4 system not a conversion the handset is very old and the pots are probably worn out, unless you are 100% sure it's the frsky not the handset and if it's only three weeks old send it back faulty

True what Stu says - we've had this at FORCC recently where a member's KO Esprit II throttle stick went dodgy (lots of side play) and the resulting issue with the potentiometer caused the ESC to jam on full throttle. Luckily this only happened when plugged in before a race, but proves one moment it was fine, the next it was FUBAR.

AdrianH78 24-04-2016 08:20 AM

Thought I better write a closing paragraph on this issue after all the great help & advice in case it helps someone else in the future :thumbsup:

A friend from my local club lent me his FrSky receiver which is the same model as mine, and on comparing them statically when bound by wafting my transmitter about near and away from the car I noticed that the LED on my receiver flickered quite a bit compared with my friends which stayed a lot more solid. My guess is this LED represents signal/communication strength. So my current theory is that my efforts on my receiver to protect it with hot glue and heat shrink might have disturb the solder bond between aerial and PCB.. Suffice to say, for my next attempt at protecting my friend's receiver I used UHU gel glue (cold product rather than hot glue) to bond the aerial at the back of the receiver and only a hair dyer on the heat shrink. So far so good after a day's testing - that's all I am saying not want to tempt fate :)

In relation to the Etronix Power Cap - these really work :thumbsup: Prior to adding it, I could see my transponder LED dimming on heavy steering use. Once fitted the transponder LED stays rock sold. I don't think a brown out caused the run away, I think effectively a broken receiver aerial cause that, but this certainly helps eliminate that possibility.

In relation to testing the throttle pot on this handset, I simply turned down the motor power (handset throttle throw knob top left) to a crawl and closely observed the acceleration curve with it resting in my hand. I think in Hog's (thanks) example horizontal play in the throttle stick was likely a indication all was not well and the handset should not be used for racing in that state. Incidentally I have had a pot fail on, what was, a two year old FF3 back in the day so it can happen at any time although I appreciate, the older they get they more likely it is to happen. For what its worth, the FF3's throttle pot just turned into an 'on/off' switch so didn't cause any dramas, although wrecked my meeting obviously...:thumbdown:

I do like the FrSky conversion; it is very competitively priced and worth a punt overall. For me personally though, I have decided that any other glitches and it gets retired and I buy a new setup. I don't know about you guys & gals, but I don't get much spare time, so the time I do get is very precious, so I just need everything to work so I can make the most of the time I do have for my hobby.. Oh to be 18 again, no responsibilities, with all the time in the world.....................:thumbsup:

I spent time on the above as I wanted to give back for the time given to me. Hopefully the above might help someone else with a FrSky setup issue :thumbsup:

Thanks everyone :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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