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fastr 19-11-2007 11:04 PM

It is the the same drawing only streched-out
I can understand its difficult to understand how it works.........
Just remove one side of the slipper and see if the other side will still work.

jordix 27-11-2007 09:20 AM

hi, after yesterday testing and have no problem with the car after four batteries the car seems to have a very good
corner entering, very agressive but it loses steering under throtle (mid-out corner), the track was very slippery
and wet so the grip wasnīt good, nevertheless I used bow tie rear and hole shot front and the car had a
great traction, very good.
the test I made against a friend with a losi xxx-4, my friend is much better pilot than I but my car works very well
,traction, corner entering and no rear slip was the key for racing with him almost at the same time.

The car lost some front traction passing through the dubbies we have at the begining of the main straight
because of the light up of the front train, no matter, I speeded up equal or better than xxx-4 and brake better so in the straight I eat him and in some corners too.

first battery the differential finished a bit hot, I could hear the diff working hard at the beginning
of the main straigth but no loosening happend and the diff was ok at the end.
I tighten it a bit for the second batt and all was ok, I think I will need to tight it a bit more if we have more grip
another day (is the usual)

Thomas P 23-01-2008 11:03 AM

Havnt read everything in this thread, but what ive heard the B44 slipper is difrent to the BJ4 (adjust nut outside centerbulk). Centershaft have other dimension to...

CAN the B44 center tranny be fitted in the BJ4 WE, if i ex buy,front center,rear center, and everything else that has to do with the B44 slipper, will it fit or?

Lee 23-01-2008 11:33 AM

From what i have heard no.

The b44 slipper means the shaft lengths are different and they dont use MIP cvds where they enter the gear boxes.

This is only what i have been told i have not tried to myself.


Thomas P 23-01-2008 11:57 AM

Hmm, nice to hear if some one realy can tell, maybe even if the B44īs last pice of the shaft tht enters the gear oxes can be fitted in the BJ4WE..propably not, but would be nice to let this thougt away =)

DaHomie 23-01-2008 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Thomas P (Post 86921)
Hmm, nice to hear if some one realy can tell, maybe even if the B44īs last pice of the shaft tht enters the gear oxes can be fitted in the BJ4WE..propably not, but would be nice to let this thougt away =)

Thomas, the outdrives will not fit, the gearbox of the NTC3 (BJ4WE) has the outdrive support bearing closer spaced.


There are ways to make them fit, and of course all of the other parts as well if you really want to use the B44 slipper. I have a race coming up this weekend where I hope to put my little "B44 slipper in Bj4WE" to the test. I will have feedback on it next week.

Some of the main challenges with the project are these:

* The whole slipper assembly sits higher in the B44 (to allow larger spurs)
* The motor sits higher as well in the B44 (not a prob in it self except that you move up the C/G even further).
* Outdrives are longer (support bearings are wider spaced), and the gearboxes themselves are very different so it is not possible to bolt on B44 boxes either to allow the wider spacing of the bearings
* B44 and Bj4WE top decks, even though they look very similar around the slipper assembly, is not compatible, screw holes are offset
* Slipper assembly top holder blocks are then of course also very different even though they look very similar

If someone else is working on this, please share your solutions and ideas.


Thomas P 23-01-2008 01:25 PM

Thank you Roy for this, il be waiting for your upate.


Thomas P

DaHomie 29-01-2008 03:11 PM

BJ4WE Slipper Conversion
Hi guys,

As promised I have put together a .pdf guide that hopefully will help at least some of you guys out.

I tried to attach it to the post, but it was unfortunately too big (260KB). However, It can be downloaded here.

Please let me know what you think.

Take care.


Thomas P 29-01-2008 03:41 PM

Looking rel good Roy, i will order the parts in a few weeks, no rush for me. Cant wait to test it in my S4


Chequered Flag Racing 29-01-2008 04:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DaHomie (Post 88609)
Hi guys,

As promised I have put together a .pdf guide that hopefully will help at least some of you guys out.

I tried to attach it to the post, but it was unfortunately too big (260KB). However, It can be downloaded here.

Please let me know what you think.

Take care.


Just priced that parts list.

might as well just buy a B44 :woot:

Thomas P 29-01-2008 04:36 PM

barely 100 dollar without the concept parts...aint so expensive at all...and way lower then a 319 dollar car :)

DaHomie 29-01-2008 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chequered Flag Racing (Post 88645)
Just priced that parts list.

those in red are from a well known USA parts house, couldn't find them in the UK. But as things stand we usually double in price for the UK, they should'nt be far out

might as well just buy a B44 :woot:

Well worth the money if you ask me :thumbsup: And by the way, did I ever mention it was going to be cheap? :D:D

HVAC25000 29-01-2008 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Chequered Flag Racing (Post 88645)
Just priced that parts list.

might as well just buy a B44 :woot:

And what, have the B44 snap in half on the first hard landing and then have to spend another 100 for replacement parts? :thumbsup:

ikey ji 30-01-2008 07:48 AM

Nice job DaHomie!
Congratulations for your work and especially for the quality of your pdf...
Do you authorize me to put it on petitrc forum in order to share it with french drivers? (with your copyright of course :thumbsup:)

DaHomie 30-01-2008 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by ikey ji (Post 88963)
Nice job DaHomie!
Congratulations for your work and especially for the quality of your pdf...
Do you authorize me to put it on petitrc forum in order to share it with french drivers? (with your copyright of course :thumbsup:)

Of course you can, please PM me a link to the post on Petit when you have it up there.


maxoo 30-01-2008 12:40 PM

very nice !!! Thanks for your work !!!!

colmo 27-11-2011 12:22 AM

Apologies for the resurrection of this old thread, but I've just found it while researching what to do about the slipper in my BJ4WE.

I'm weighing up either doing this mod, or fitting a B44 slipper and centre shaft mod, mentioned in another thread, and the PDF instructions are available online, I found them with Google.

What are the handling differences likely to be between the two? What kind of surfaces does each favour? It's possible I would build one BJ4WE for each surface type.

Jordix hasn't been here in a while, and I believe he sold his BJ4WE.


Originally Posted by jordix (Post 71677)
here you got it:

associated parts

1766-B4/T4/GT ligthweight outdrives
6589-5/32" x 5/16" bearings
7677-differential rebuild kit for RC10GT

or you can order 7677 items separately
7666-diff rings
6575-thrust bolt and t-nut
6574-thrust balls
6582-thrust spring
6573-thrust washers

-I used duratrax spur gear (78T or 81T) but I think are the same that kimbrough spurs.
-For last yor will need eight 1/8" differential balls, associated or any other (these are 1/12 cars ball differential)

you must make some dremel work because the differential bearing dont fit the spur center hole (outer diameter of the bearing its smaller), I saw that standar 540 motor bearing do it but internal diameter its worst...

I made a plastic part (like a bushing) to fit the gap between bearing and spur internal hole, you must put special attention to make it well rounded because if not the spur will be eccentrix, (I have to test the resistance of this piece, I think will be better in metal material but its more difficult for me making it).

Now you can mount the diff. and tighten till the spring full compression, then loose 1/4 turn.

When you mount the diff. you have to do it with T-nut towards front center shaft and insert first rear shaft (I "touch" with dremel the rear upper deck inner edges a bit for easily outdrive insert through).

Now you will see that front outdrive bearings need a spacer to stay in its correct site of the bulkhead, its very easy to make a spacer for this, you need a 4.5mm spacer (from a brass ballpen jeje).

In the rear outdrive bearing I used 2 or 3 shim spacers (ASC2293)

It can be that spur touches the center bulkhead cap so you know: dremel work in the center bulkhead, only a bit...

Some pics (for sucolega AJAJAJA):


The problem of the spur centering comes fron T-nut/front center shaft, with a shortest t-nut or shaft the spur wold be perfect in its place but...

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