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jimmy 12-11-2009 10:19 PM

New Gaming Section
Hey guys - as some people might know in real life away from toy cars I'm a game developer and have been since 1994. So it's about time we had a gaming section in the oople forum I think.
I'm not a big gamer but I do play PC games (I'm not a Console guy - tho I only work on console games these days).
At the moment we're playing a lot of Left 4 Dead 2 demo at work - and will no doubt carry on when the full game is released next week. I also do a bit of racing on Live For Speed - I have other racing 'games' but they are all crap compared to LFS.

I'm a big fan of Starcraft - shame I only really discovered it 10 years after it was released. Has to be one of the best games ever made.

Anyway - feel free to post your 'gaming history' or what games you like - or even what your fave / current hardware is in here. And of course feel free to post gaming-related threads in this sub-forum!

PaulRotheram 12-11-2009 11:09 PM

Been a 'gamer' pretty much all my life, started out with the mega drives, game boys, up to the playstation 1, then found pc gaming!

Half life 1 was the 'real' start of it all! playing co-op, TFC, counterstrike ( pre steam ) and day of defeat.
Still play the current versions of the above on the source engine when time allows.

Also have LFS with a Logitech driving force wheel

Past year xbox 360 has taken over abit, got alot of the current games at the mo, DJ hero, forza 3, batman arkham, guitar heros, CODMW1, soon to be 2 and will be going live soon!

GRIFF55 12-11-2009 11:17 PM

For me i've had all the playstations (and still do). Favourite games have always been mx or other bike racing games. So far on the ps3 it has to be dirt 2, just awesome. Splatterhouse and chuck rock on the megadrive were quite cool too. Gone are the days of the zx81 and comodoore 64 waiting to load only to find the games crashed:lol:
never been on or tried pc gaming:blush:

ooooh, outrun, i loved that too

jimmy 12-11-2009 11:18 PM

Good Skills paul! We'll have to have a race sometime. My favorite is the LX4 on a rallyX track! I love it - sadly no one seems to race the LX4's online, and certainly not on a rallyX track. Get practicing! :lol:

Team Fortress Classic! never played it myself but I worked for Valve freelance stylee on a level for TFC in about 1999 or 2000.

Get yourself that Left 4 Dead 2 demo downloaded paul - its ace. It makes you wish there were such things as Zombies in real life.

Rich D 12-11-2009 11:18 PM

Nice Paul - i was a hardcore CSS gamer with about 1800 hours on XFire :blush:

Moved on to Live For speed and then RFactor on the G25

Retired from gaming after i overcame the addiction :lol::lol:

dave g 12-11-2009 11:22 PM

i play and race rfactor online once or twice a week,thats about it...rfactor is a fine game :)

PaulRotheram 12-11-2009 11:27 PM

I used to love lx4 on rx, same with the Rb4. Are there still 'stunt' servers? they used to be mad with all jumps and proper RX tracks designed!

Ive heard the new scirocco is on the horizon, been waiting a long time for updates tho! definatly let me know and i'll see if I can still keep it on track!

Will look for the LFD2, heard good things about the first one but as said the xbox took over abit recently, will get the demo installed over the weekend and give it a bash! TFC2 is good but a little it of a let down after the original TFC lasted so long standing solely on its gameplay.

Back in the day I used to be a hardcore CS gamer, used to play with a few of the best in the UK ( didnt know that at the time ) few years after loosing contact I heard they were in those elite competitions fighting it out for 20k+!!

Have been to jimmys HQ team 17 and seen some of the designers at it, and a real life lemming, some crazy stuff i'd love to of gotten in to!

ashleyb4 13-11-2009 01:17 AM

Paul the scirocco is on the way. Along with another new car and rockingham race way. :)

I stumbled over LFS after i saw Chris Doughty mension it on his forum.

Built a new PC just to play LFS in higher quality love the game.


°°.°°sicotange°°.°° 13-11-2009 02:06 AM

I see I'm not the only LFS fan out there :woot: I remember asking Ashley on LFS if he was that guy from the Oople forum a few years ago:lol:

Please don't laugh but my all time favourite is the UF1 (no kidding) although I have done quite a bit of cruising with the XRR.

I'm currently managing a small LFS team called WS (www.windstyle.eu)
It would be fun to organise an Oople race on LFS sometime :D

qatmix 13-11-2009 08:06 AM

Always been an arcade addict,and am also one of a few other console developers on this forum.

I dont play PC games, however like playing lots of import Japanese shooters, Racing games and pretty much most games other than FPS.

showtime 13-11-2009 09:08 AM

i'm strictly old school with my gaming, i'm still rolling Dreamcast
must have over 100 games for it, not even tried some of them!
i like the DC as quite a few of the titles are DC exclusive & have a Japanesey type feel to them plus although its over 10 years old now some of the games still stand up pretty well :)
i also use gamecube which was a real surprise for me. i was always into playstations before the DC & was always left cold by the kiddy loking graphics of the Nintendo stuff. however once i tried the cube i had to have one (or two) & have found some of the best gameplay i've ever stumbled across. yes modern machines have jaw droppingly awesome graphics but the simple fun of enjoyable playable games is what keeps me coming back. actually if you think the cube can't do graphics you should check out resident evil4 ;)
another good thing is the price, cubes sell for next to nothing nowadays & if you bought some rated titles you would have weeks of gaming for not a lot of money ;)
there is a bit of a revival going on with some dedicated sites like racketboy - http://www.racketboy.com/

check out some of his games lists & rediscover some gems:)

Chris Doughty 13-11-2009 11:28 AM

we should bring back the LFS racing league, that was ace!

jim76 13-11-2009 12:55 PM

I started out in the early 80's with a BBC micro! Classics such as Chuckie Egg and Revs.
Moved onto a PC in the mid 90's with the likes of Tie Fighter, the X-COM series, and of course the excellent F1 by Geoff Crammond. Dungen Keeper was also a classic - Peter Molyneux is a LegEnd!
Moved onto RTS and FPS as the hardware improved, with favourites being Half Life, Deus EX and Total Annihilation.
Also had an original Xbox with obligatory Halo 1 & 2. But spent most of my time on Tiger Woods!

My main PC died about 18 months back so i haven't played any of the new breed of games, and i'm yet to join the latest console generation either. Probably getting a Wii for the little boy for Xmas though, so online MarioKart here i come!

DCM 13-11-2009 01:05 PM

I have been playing games for far to long, and must admit, I do love a good racing game, but as yet, have found it hard to find a game that is as good as Papyrus Indycar Racing, the handling dynamics were ace, even down to the fact that you can slipstream and get an effect from it.

Currently got GTR Evolution to play with, and it is good, but still, the car dynamics aren't right, and, like a lot of games, more has been put into the shinny bits rather than the meat and bones of the game.

Not a great fan of RPG and FPS though, but am loving the whacky games that you can buy for the Wii...

blue_pinky 13-11-2009 01:23 PM

I'm with Jim76...Tie fighter...Geof Crammonds F1...spent MANY hours/days/weeks on those, Quake, Doom, then Halflife...network/serial play accross a couple of PC's rocked!

Started on Spectrum 48k though, commando...the ridiculously hard Airwolf...hard driving...stunt car racer (or was that on C64?)

My Brother had a C64...destroyed many joysticks playing Speedball on that...

Played a lot of Bomberman at uni on a an SNES...probably the most fun I've ever had on a game! Totally addicted to the poiint of dreaming about it...waking up in a cold sweat cos there's a bomb been thrown over a wall at me.....hehe!! :cry:

Then got PS1...GT...PS2 GT...and just got a PS3 in time for...GT!!!

Don't get a lot of time for games these days and only have Dirt2, GT5 prologue and Fifa 10 on PS3...all seem good but not spent a alot of time on it yet....oh and I did donwload a copy of bomberman for it too...looking forward to getting into that again!!! :D

Chris Doughty 13-11-2009 01:48 PM

BomberMan!!! OMG what a classic!

me and 4 friends from school spent hours playing that 4-way on the SNES :drool:

Steve - check out www.iracing.com
if you like the look of it, register for a free 30 day trial at http://www.radicalmotorsport.com/racing/virtual-racing and you get to play in the Radical SR8 :thumbsup:

DCM 13-11-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by DoughtyUK.net (Post 309725)
BomberMan!!! OMG what a classic!

me and 4 friends from school spent hours playing that 4-way on the SNES :drool:

Steve - check out www.iracing.com
if you like the look of it, register for a free 30 day trial at http://www.radicalmotorsport.com/racing/virtual-racing and you get to play in the Radical SR8 :thumbsup:

Is there an off-line racing on there, or just practice?

blue_pinky 13-11-2009 02:15 PM

Mmmmm 4 way bomberman!!! The version on PS3 has online mode...haven't tried it yet though...think it's 8 way...I'll probably get slaughtered!

poopers 13-11-2009 04:29 PM


I started gaming with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum:cool: playing stuff like Paperboy and Scalextric. Then got an Amiga 500 and loved stuff like Indianapolis 500, Grand Prix, Stunt Car Racer and, weirdly, Zool.

Had a couple of consoles as a kid, but can’t remember playing anything other than Mario Kart on the SNES, and being glued to the first version of Need for Speed on the PS1.

Moved to PCs for last 8 or 9 years. Currently play Nascar 2003, rFactor with HistoriX and Endurance mods, Live for Speed and GTR2, oh, and can’t beat a bit of GTA:SA.

Currently thinking of getting an xbox and Forza 3 as it’s just much easier than messing with drivers, patches, mods, GFX cards and coolers etc.

budgio 13-11-2009 05:46 PM

Nice to see this section :D
I have been gaming since i was 10 (37 now) and have owned probably every mainstream console there is.
I still play Cod2 clan matches on PC but nowhere near as much as i used to.Still have a Cod2 server with Ventrilo voice coms up and running too if anyone wants to join in...always looking for new recruits ;)
Battlefield 2 on 360 is my current fave along with Mario Kart wii.

jimmy 13-11-2009 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by DoughtyUK.net (Post 309725)
BomberMan!!! OMG what a classic!

me and 4 friends from school spent hours playing that 4-way on the SNES :drool:

Steve - check out www.iracing.com
if you like the look of it, register for a free 30 day trial at http://www.radicalmotorsport.com/racing/virtual-racing and you get to play in the Radical SR8 :thumbsup:

I Racing is really good - I did the 30 day trial and loved it but couldn't really justify the cost of carrying it on since I wouldn't get enough use out of it. I think the prices have come down a bit since then tho.

DCM 13-11-2009 06:45 PM

still $100 for a years subscription though.... :(

mole2k 13-11-2009 07:56 PM

I dont really do much gaming these days, was a hardcore CS player for quite a number of years and did a fair bit of sim racing too.

Favourite sim has to be Richard Burns Rally <3.

Danosborne6661 13-11-2009 07:56 PM

All about the PC Games!

Counter-strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, Trackmania Nations forever are my main 3!
Trackmania nations forever is awesome if you guys haven't played that, good work on the LFS players too :)

showtime 14-11-2009 10:02 AM

i've never ever played a proper game on my PC, i've always kept gaming to consoles
but now i'm going Mac i guess i'll never play games on my computer :rolleyes:

coolcars782 14-12-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rich D (Post 309562)
Nice Paul - i was a hardcore CSS gamer with about 1800 hours on XFire :blush:

Moved on to Live For speed and then RFactor on the G25

Retired from gaming after i overcame the addiction :lol::lol:

I had 180hours on tf2 in 2weeks, then my gaming laptop died and the hard drive is £60 :cry: ps3 tomorrow guys :thumbsup::thumbsup:

grimidol 05-05-2011 02:28 PM

I play everquest 2 raid 6 nights a week in a euro guild well if Sony. Ever comes back up ..........zerekers ftw

hotrodchris 13-05-2011 08:39 AM

Some serious old clasics mentioned on here that i had forgotten about used to love playing paperboy epic and adictive, Bomber man class game, have owned Commodore 64, mega drive, sega Saturn(best console ever!), PS1/2 &3, mostly play Black Ops online when the network gets back on line, group of about 10 of us when we get together we don't lose much we all had an all day and night session one weekend and ended up with a 32 game win streak, some good banter there!
Must admit prefer FSP Shooters too driving games on the PS3, as played some of the newer racing games and set up a lap plus lead but as you enter the last couple of laps the field have suddenly caught you up even though you haven't slowed down and are putting in consistent lap times!

rhino20 29-01-2013 12:08 PM

(Get yourself that Left 4 Dead 2 demo downloaded paul - its ace. It makes you wish there were such things as Zombies in real life.)

Been out on the streets lately ? i,ve seen more than a few zombies :lol::lol::lol:

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