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Steveonamission 15-01-2011 01:38 AM

Thought I would start a thread for a novice painter... guess you have to start somewhere.

My first attempt which turned out ok, nothing special. Was quite happy with the bottom door lines, other than that... let the practising commence. Haven't finished the lights yet though, should of done them first.

And then roll on 5 years later when I might be half as good as the pro guys on here!

I'll also invest in a decent SLR camera if I improve enough to paint for people to display my work, if it turns out any good in future!


bigred5765 15-01-2011 01:41 AM

lookin good mate, the cheapest and easyest way to practice is on clear acetate from ebay 3=4 quid for 10-15 sheets a4 size or inside of a cola bottle free

bigred5765 15-01-2011 01:41 AM

PS reduce pic size before post its huge

Steveonamission 15-01-2011 01:54 AM

Oh dear! I accidently pressed submit before I sorted the post/picture out...

But yeah i'll give it a go, thanks for the kind comment.

jonmiller 16-01-2011 10:41 AM

hey steve, looks great, nice job dude! didn't go for your usual colors then bud..

fmo 16-01-2011 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Steveonamission (Post 452603)
I'll also invest in a decent SLR camera...

Your image misses light, not a DSLR. I would rather work on your image setup like getting rid of any crappy backgrounds, work with lighting, and so on before I would invest into a high-end camera system. It is astonishing what results you can achieve with little tricks and care.

Nice paint job btw...

Steveonamission 16-01-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by jonmiller (Post 452950)
hey steve, looks great, nice job dude! didn't go for your usual colors then bud..

Ahh cheers, appreciate it... got a long way to go though!

I think I just went for them as that's what I had lying around :)


Originally Posted by fmo (Post 452953)
Your image misses light, not a DSLR. I would rather work on your image setup like getting rid of any crappy backgrounds, work with lighting, and so on before I would invest into a high-end camera system. It is astonishing what results you can achieve with little tricks and care.

Nice paint job btw...

Yeah I guess you are right, it was late, and there was no natural light about, will focus on taking the pictures in good light levels in the future.


chris_dono 17-01-2011 03:39 PM

looks good Steve, first time with an airbrush as well !!

Steveonamission 11-02-2011 09:28 PM

Working on my pin stripe lines first before I get too adventureous.

chris_dono 11-02-2011 11:07 PM

looking good muller, keep at it :)

jonmiller 12-02-2011 04:52 PM

comin along nicely mate :thumbsup:

Steveonamission 18-02-2011 09:52 PM

Cheers chaps, i'm becoming frustrated with my own ability already, after the 3rd shell !
I messed this one up! First go at freehanding. Onwards and upwards etc.

Darren Wales 18-02-2011 10:10 PM

Im looking at getting a new shell and although im new to this sport, these look great.

Have you got any early prices while you keep practicing?

B4.1 AE?


Steveonamission 18-02-2011 10:44 PM

Hi Darren,

That is a standard Jconcepts B4.

Appreciate the comment. Depends what you would like done really I guess, as I'm not anywhere near a good enough standard yet to charge.

Steveonamission 10-03-2011 03:15 PM

Painted a body for Cutting Edge, messed it up a little, became tired and should of stopped, but I kept going with it to get it finished . My photography skills are naff, apologies!

bigred5765 10-03-2011 03:28 PM

lookin good there steve, as i said earlyer for practicing stuff like fades and blends pin stripes etc cut a cola bottle in half i treat it as a shell,

cutting edge 10-03-2011 06:25 PM

Looks Very Nice Steve

Looking forward to using it Sunday Hopfuly :thumbsup:

cutting edge 10-03-2011 06:31 PM

And ill post a pic here when its all ready to race , Shells always look better with a few stickers and Names on , Did you leave the rear wing clear ? I sent it along incase you wanted to spray it up , I normaly run mine clear But i sent it so you had a toatal Blank canvas with me only saying what colours i would like front to back

Well done :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Steveonamission 10-03-2011 10:37 PM

Cheers, glad it's acceptable, will get it off to you in the morning, fingers crossed it'll get there saturday! Did it as fast as I could, it's hard when you only have two evenings lol. Yeah I left the wing clear, might look good black though.

Mike Parker 11-03-2011 01:30 PM


Some nice work on here fella :thumbsup: hope you're enjoying doing them & keep it up fella :)

jo90 11-03-2011 01:40 PM

Looking good mate, you coming to play at RR this weekend ?

cutting edge 12-03-2011 08:50 AM


eyeayen 12-03-2011 09:43 AM

Looks a nice clean job !

Steveonamission 25-01-2012 06:38 PM

10 months or so later my short attention span has brought me back to this...

I need help with freehand shading, everytime I go to do it and get close up, it splashes everywhere... lower PSI? So I end up just filling the area over.

Don't ya just love a bit of no natural light photography.

julianb 25-01-2012 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Steveonamission (Post 473761)
Cheers, glad it's acceptable, will get it off to you in the morning, fingers crossed it'll get there saturday! Did it as fast as I could, it's hard when you only have two evenings lol. Yeah I left the wing clear, might look good black though.

Hi Steve,

fancied a go yourself then! Not quite as easy as it looks... Good job though mate. My first attempts would never see the light of day.... :bored:

julianb 25-01-2012 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Steveonamission (Post 612093)
10 months or so later my short attention span has brought me back to this...

I need help with freehand shading, everytime I go to do it and get close up, it splashes everywhere... lower PSI? So I end up just filling the area over.

Don't ya just love a bit of no natural light photography.

Hi Steve,

yep, lower psi, thinner paint. Practice!



Steveonamission 25-01-2012 06:55 PM

Yeah it's blooming hard, makes me feel bad for hasserling either you or Jon@ RCS to get my touring car shell done!

I have no problem with scalpel lines it's just the paint bit :woot:

Ok thanks, I'll give it a go tomorrow evening.

jonmiller 25-01-2012 08:54 PM

nice to see you posting again bud!

julianb 25-01-2012 10:47 PM

3 Attachment(s)
S'funny, the design on your touring car is giving me deja vu... :thumbsup:

Keep at it bud, looking good...

eyeayen 26-01-2012 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Steveonamission (Post 612093)
I need help with freehand shading, everytime I go to do it and get close up, it splashes everywhere... lower PSI? So I end up just filling the area over.

Practice is really the key for this. You need to learn airbrush control, try it on the inside of a drinks bottle ( they're free and it doesn't matter if you mess them up ). Or try on some thick white paper / thin card. You need to practice, without watching how you're working it's difficult to offer advice.

If the shading is going every where I'd make sure you're not working above 40psi. Get the paint quite thin, the airbrush sort of does some of it for you. So don't paint straight onto the area you're trying to shade, start on the mask and flick out or around the mask depending on the shape you're trying to do. Because the airbrush gives a natural soft edge anyway it creates the shadow effect for you.

Also if you spray toward the mask the shape will be more defined, if you spray away from the mask the shape will be looser.

Practice more, see how you get on, come back ask questions.

Steveonamission 26-01-2012 12:34 PM

Thanks Jon!- Received your order yesturday too, rapid!

Julian- I remember trashing that on LAP 2 at Cotswolds in Modified as I flipped it down the slope they have there! I nearly cried.

Hello Ian - I don't think my airbrush control is too bad, I was trying it on acetone alot, and it was fine. Then I switched to a shell I was doing and it looked like someone just rained on my shell, almost as if the paint was like water... as I got close up to do a thin support line around a shape, maybe 60psi wasn't the way to go *laughs at himself*

Anyway thanks for your advice is great to have the pro guys comment on a novice thread.

I took some better pictures of the shell I created last night. All it needed I think was some freehand shading to break the front up and it would of looked much better. (Patio moss not included in the sale of this shell)

eyeayen 26-01-2012 11:43 PM

As a bit of an after thought, do you have a moisture filter on your compressor ? If a bead of water made it's way through it would cause that. I still do things like that every so often fella, it's the trouble airbrushing at higher pressures with a non absorbant surface that you can't correct mistakes on.

Shell looks good though, you should be pleased with that :thumbsup:

That patio and and moss pit board effect looks photo real what technique did you use to get them so good ? :lol:

Steveonamission 28-01-2012 12:27 PM

Yep, have a moisture filter attached, though I screwed it on at the airbrush end? Not sure that matters.

The technique is years of neglect - Can't take credit for the moss effect i'm afraid, it's a design I copied from a neighbour.

Anyway, came up with this nightmare, but I kind of like it. Reason I say nightmare was I brushed the liquid mask all the same direction which I've never done before and it became a right pain in the bum to cross paths when cutting out, and when pealing off too! I'll make sure I never do that again!

Lowering the psi to around 30 helped some what, but only with opaques, shading with some transparents didn't like it... I'm guessing opaques are easier because there full bodied colours? Onto the next anyway!

eyeayen 29-01-2012 02:26 PM

Unfortunately I think the body and your designs are getting lost with the reflections but I really like that ! Great colours, nice simple design, looks ace ! :thumbsup:

Stop painting bodies for an hour or so, play about thinning the paint, see if you can write your name with it or sign your signature, not stupidly small but quite fine. At some point you'll get to that sweet spot where it's flowing through the airbrush nicely and giving you enough colour but not doing the nasty spidery thing. That's where you need it, if you over thin it come back with some more colour to thicken it up again. It's a real art to getting it right, I don't both so much with these, splodge some paint in the cup, splodge some thinners in, mix it up a bit with my brush and spray. If I'm doing artwork though I mix each colour in a palette so I know it's exactly how I want it to spray.

bobbyman 29-01-2012 05:45 PM

Love the blue paint.
Awesome work .

Steveonamission 31-01-2012 12:07 PM

Thanks guys... I think I made it look like a duck though.:woot:

Finished this one... (It is available for sale, pm me or I'll put it in the for sale section later)

Wasn't too happy with it, but it's all good practice, thanks for looking.

chris_dono 31-01-2012 12:17 PM

looking good Steve ! where'd you get the montech shell from though ?!? :p

Steveonamission 31-01-2012 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by chris_dono (Post 614676)
looking good Steve ! where'd you get the montech shell from though ?!? :p

Akula racing distribute them, contact them:woot:

CPD racing of course! Who else ;)

julianb 31-01-2012 09:48 PM

Nice one Steve, defo getting there bud!

Mike Parker 31-01-2012 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Steveonamission (Post 614671)
Thanks guys... I think I made it look like a duck though.:woot:

Finished this one... (It is available for sale, pm me or I'll put it in the for sale section later)

Wasn't too happy with it, but it's all good practice, thanks for looking.




I really like the design & choice of colours steve :) nothing beats a bit of practice mate, keep it going fella :thumbsup:

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