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Maritime 20-08-2012 08:34 PM

Tuesday Night Club Racing

This thread we be all about Tuesday Night Club Racing.

Please use this thread for club chat.

the next post from me on here will be the club and venue rule

Here looking forward to Tuesday Night Opening :thumbsup:

Maritime Racing

Maritime 27-08-2012 03:56 PM

Maritime Racing Car Club Off Road Rules

Rules of the Maritime Raceway venue (Historic Dockyard)

Ø Do not leave litter around the venue, bins are provided in the pitting area.

Ø No third party food permitted in the venue. 

Ø No playing outside the venue I.E. the car park, driveway, stairs etc.

Ø Maritime Racing and The Historic Dockyard accept no liability for loss or damage to personal property in the hall or on the club grounds. 

Ø Maritime Racing and the Historic Dockyard reserve the right to ask anyone to leave

Ø No Smoking any where in the venue (you be informed of smocking area)

Rules of Maritime Racing Car Club

Ø A minimum of three different crystal colors (solids only) or 40 Meg is required to race. Split crystals are not to be used unless issued by the committee. 

Ø All drivers must stand on the rostrum when racing. (You are not to leave the rostrum until end of race sound) 

Ø No transmitters to be switched on anywhere on the premises or grounds until your race. 

Ø After your race you must place your car on the transponder / scrutineering table, your transmitter in the transmitter pound and go straight to your marshaling position. Failure to leave your car on the transponder/ scrutineering table or be at your marshaling point promptly for the start of the next race will result in the following penalty: 1st warning, loss of FTD. 2nd warning, loss of the entire evening’s points. 

Ø The maximum amount of races in one night will be 3 rounds of 8 heats and 8 finals.

Ø Race time will be 5 mins per race. 

Ø Tires are a open rule.

Ø Lipo’s must be charged on a lipo setting on your charger (ANY one found braking this rule will be BANNED from any maritime Racing event and your detail passed on to the BRCA)

Ø Weight: - minimum 2WD: 1.474 Kg, 

minimum 4WD: 1.588 Kg (including personal transponder, excluding handout transponder) if you fail this rule you will loss your FTD in the heats and loss of place in the finals 

Ø Motors are a open rule (Two speed adapters are not permitted) 

Ø All racers must provide the club with their address and telephone number, if we do not have your details you will not be issued with a transponder to race. 

Ø When your race is over, i.e. the computer has called your name or number, pull over at the designated area, other racers are still racing and interfering with their final lap when your race is over will be penalized. 

Ø No Death Grip or Tire additive to be used.

Ø Poor marshaling will be penalized as follows: Poor heat marshaling will cost you your best qualifying time of the night. Poor finals marshaling will cost you your entire evening’s points. 

Ø Stop and goes will be in place for bad driving, failure to stop will result in loss of FTD in heats and loss of points in finals 

Ø Marshals must wait at their marshaling point until relieved by the next race marshals you may and can be ask to marshal a second time in each round. 

Ø Your race number must be clearly displayed in the front screen of your car; failure to display your number will result in the loss of your FTD. 

Ø Any club property not returned at the end of the evening i.e. transponders, crystals etc. will result in a total loss of points. 

Ø All racers must be members of the BRCA. Non-BRCA members are permitted to race at 3 meetings only, as a guest. 

Ø By attending a MRCC race meeting you agree to abide by these rules in addition to the BRCA rules as laid out in the BRCA handbook.


Maritime Racing takes no responsibility for your health and safety or personal possessions at any of the clubs events. 


Cliff Rice Chairman: Ian Knight Race Director: Tracey Knight Treasurer/ Tuck Shop Manager: Geoff Lambert, John Reece, Allan Stead, Alan Sprawson, Ron Holmes, Doug Broad and Wayne Palmer (Off Road) committee members

Maritime 27-08-2012 03:58 PM

Dear Racers

At Maritime Racing Off Road Club there will be no membership fee
The club is pay as you go £5 per meeting (at this time of posting)

Maritime Racing

Maritime 21-09-2012 07:03 AM

Off Road Track Meeting Dates

1/10th Club Racing
Doors Open: 6pm
Racing Starts: 7.30pm
October********** 4th 11th 18th 25th
November****** 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th
December****** 6th 13th 20th

1/10th Off Road Club Racing
Doors Open: 6pm
Racing Starts: 7.30pm
October********** 23rd 30th
November****** 6th 13th 20th 27th
December***** *4th 11th 18th

David Church 21-09-2012 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Maritime (Post 696524)
Off Road Track Meeting Dates

1/10th Club Racing
Doors Open: 6pm
Racing Starts: 7.30pm
October********** 4th 11th 18th 25th
November****** 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th
December****** 6th 13th 20th

1/10th Off Road Club Racing
Doors Open: 6pm
Racing Starts: 7.30pm
October********** 23rd 30th
November****** 6th 13th 20th 27th
December***** *4th 11th 18th

Thanks for that Ian, my winters racing close to home on a weeknight is now sorted!!!

Maritime 22-10-2012 06:31 AM

Hi all
Well the time is here at last
The very first Off Road Club Night is
Here on the Tuesday 23rd October ( tomorrow )
Spread the word and see you there

Also keep up with the club on


Maritime web site

See you all soon

Maritime Racing

Maritime 23-10-2012 10:03 AM

It's tonight

First club meeting
Doors open 6 ish

Track practice open till 7pm

Racing starts 7.30pm

3 heats
1 Final

Fee £5

See you there.

Ian Knight

jackeltrader 23-10-2012 10:17 AM

Gutted...won't be there tonight - got a chest infection oh and my cars smashed to bits again! Have fun tonight peeps - see you all next week for sure :)

MHeadling 23-10-2012 12:13 PM

Me neither :cry:

David Church 23-10-2012 02:54 PM

I will be there, eventhough I have to pack tonight for the first round of the EOS in Poland oh yeah!!!

Maritime 23-10-2012 11:27 PM

Dear Racers

Please see all your lap times posted

Championship will be posted tomorrow


Great first meeting 54 booked in
Hope you a had a great time

Maritime Racing

Marvin 24-10-2012 12:41 AM

First race meeting after a 3 year break and it was ace, despite my terrible driving...

Great atmosphere and friendly guys, and the track is superb.

Maritime 24-10-2012 05:48 AM

Tuesday Night Video's
Hi all

Please see below

4WD A Final


Thank you Ricky for the video

Well done drivers

Maritime Racing

jo90 24-10-2012 06:41 AM

A really brilliant first night, and what a great turn out. If it's like that every week (and im sure it will) it will be simply brilliant.

Im loving getting back into off-road again after doing it as a kid. Funny thing was that was also a Tuesday night back then so it's almost like coming home in a way (just ther lack of it being a warm up arena for horses with a mix of horsey poo, dirt, saw dust and bits of hay).

If you haven't yet been to the track do try and get there, it is worth the journey trust me.

I managed to put a whole lap on my time from the weekend, wish i'd done that then but hey ho.

See you all next week !!

Maritime 24-10-2012 11:46 AM

Championship now updated please use same link as below

Maritime Racing


Originally Posted by Maritime (Post 706902)
Dear Racers

Please see all your lap times posted

Championship will be posted tomorrow


Great first meeting 54 booked in
Hope you a had a great time

Maritime Racing

jkclifford 25-10-2012 04:19 PM

Great meeting really enjoyed it.

Maritime 29-10-2012 07:43 AM

Tuesday Club Night 30/10/12
Hi all
Tuesday Club Night 30/10/12

Door open at 5.30 ish

3 Heats 1 Final

Fee £5

Will you be there ???

s22jgs 29-10-2012 05:39 PM

Hope so

RichyUK 29-10-2012 05:55 PM


MHeadling 29-10-2012 06:11 PM

Can't make it :-( bloody work eh!

Roll on next week for me!

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