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jimmy 02-02-2008 04:07 PM

Xray M18T Pro
Just built this up for reviewage purposes - painted it last night and just put some touring wheel adaptors and GRP foams on there. Not sure what tyres I'll actually use tomorrow but looking forward to giving it a run - it seems like a really nice car.

k£v!n 02-02-2008 06:55 PM

I love the shell, looking forward to the review! :thumbsup:

julius_makewar 03-02-2008 01:36 AM

This is another Oople review Im really looking forward too, they are the best Ive seen in any magazine or on any other forum.
One thing in particular. The Older M18t chassis has a shorter wheelbase than the Associated RC18T and tended to have more front and back rotation in the air. The RC18T flew flatter and was easier to control. I hope you can let us know how it flies as i know it works great on the ground and steers like a dream with good stability.

ashleyb4 03-02-2008 05:59 AM

Nice cant wait to see it today :p


ashleyb4 03-02-2008 02:43 PM

saw jimmys little truck today looked ok today i liked the carbonfibre on it nice looking truck :) :thumbsup: get the pics up dude :thumbsup::thumbsup:


jimmy 03-02-2008 03:58 PM

yeah it was good, I needed more time to get it dialled though. considering it was the first time I've driven it 4th in the B was 'ok' but it should have been at least 2nd. Just drove like a plonker.
Not many photos today as I was changing setup every round to try and get a setup

werner1619 03-02-2008 07:22 PM

Looks great,

I also have one of those.
Some advice, stock up on the drive shafts, they break quick!
Or get the aluminium one's.


jimmy 03-02-2008 07:27 PM

This is the M18T pro - the drive shafts are hudy spring steel and I can't imagine ever breaking one! :woot:

werner1619 03-02-2008 08:00 PM


Mine not the pro..:(
Have broken too many drive shafts. Thinking of converting the little bugger into a mini crawler..?


clunk 03-02-2008 08:20 PM

hi jimmy, i raced an m18t at the 1st two micro challanges,and the truck was great. the only problem that i had was that the front wishbones easily broke, which you may want to keep a check on,as the tracks now are tougher on cars than before.
the xray was always faaaassst tho !!!!!

jimmy 03-02-2008 08:23 PM

the tracks are indeed MAD! I didn't have any spares like that - and there were no other Xrays there, so I was maybe lucky. but I'd heard about weaknesses before, and reading about the new car is what got me into the idea of reviewing it. There are loads of changes as far as I'm aware, not least of which is the much longer chassis. I was mainly stuggling with shocks today, getting the right damping and getting the car balanced

clunk 03-02-2008 08:36 PM

i used to run the standard shocks 60wt oil front and 40wt rear. also tried the 3racing alloy shocks,but ended up going back to the stockers.
try running it without the sway bars on .
the new version does look good. looking forward to your review...

jimmy 03-02-2008 08:51 PM

Thanks, I tried all sorts but ended up with 50wt front, 30wt rear - antiroll bar on the front, but removed from the rear. It was still a bit twitchy but I was using foams on touring wheels - and I don't think I really liked them. I'll try the kit tyres next or some minipins on touring wheels.

Seems pretty strong, I gave it a bit of testing :woot: seems a very nice car indeed. I just want it to go as well as it looks which isn't easy when it's the only one and I'm not an amazing driver.

clunk 03-02-2008 09:07 PM

if your running on carpet,forget the kit tyres, foams are the best way. the gecko's seem to run very well on todays micros. touring car front tyres,37 or 40 shore on all rims. i'm tempted to get a new version, but will wait for your review....

jimmy 03-02-2008 09:10 PM

I got the GRP foams just because many people seem to use foams - so I was 'joining in' haha.. but either they needed truing down or I'm just not suited to the way they drive. Craig harris was using the schumacher block tyres as usual and dominated - I think I will try the mini pins I have and see how I go with those.

I just found the foams to be quite twitchy and I guess unpredictable. I was using 40 shore front and 30/35 (cant remember) on the rear

clunk 03-02-2008 09:33 PM

alot of the micro guys turn them down to just over the 50/52mm mark. your right,they do drive differenetly,but seem to be consistant throughout a meeting than rubber tyres.
same with most things,its down to personnal preferance and what works best for your driving style.
any more of your very nice pics??????????????

jimmy 03-02-2008 09:36 PM

Of the Xray? not yet - I've got loads but want to keep them for the review which I'm just in the middle of.

clunk 03-02-2008 09:45 PM

:woot::woot::woot: of the xray !!! what else do you have up your sleeve ???????
i'll let you get on with your review mate. don't know why more people in the uk dont race them, they seem to get good results stateside.

telboy 09-02-2008 09:13 PM

Jimbo, what TC hex's did you use? The axle seem really thick to fit them onto.

jimmy 09-02-2008 09:15 PM

not sure what you mean, I used the Xray hex adaptors - if you see them you'll understand.

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