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Chris Doughty 01-09-2008 12:56 PM

mobile browsing
mobile devices and oOple??

does anyone use their mobile to browse and use the web that much?

is the iPhone web browser as good as made out by the adverts? are there any formatting issues with it?

can you log in and post on forums and stuff?

blackberry users - how does it work for you?

any other phone users?

_sleigh_ 01-09-2008 12:59 PM

iPhone is bob on for oOple related stuff. I often use it rather than move my arse of the sofa.

Only down side of the iPhone's safari based browser is the current lack of Flash support. :(

As for formatting, it displays pretty much every site as it was originally designed, none of this crappy WAP versions. Pages are easy to navigate, using the two fingered zoom function.

Southwell 01-09-2008 01:02 PM

Ive used my mates iphone 3g on a lot of sites and its fantastic imo. The facebook thing in the adverts is a bit cheeky as it's an actual built in application to run it!
Other option is the Samsung Omnia, which is a windows base phone but has loads of functionality. Im going for the Iphone though.
Ive played with Bathys Blackberry and i hated it, seems clunky in browsing and difficult to use.

Gemma 01-09-2008 01:04 PM

I use my Blackberry for alot of Web browsing, however Oople will not allow me to access it.

I rate the Blackberry very highly when it comes to Web Browsing!!

_sleigh_ 01-09-2008 01:09 PM

The missus has the new HTC Touch Diamond, and in one word it's "wank". Apps run slow, interface control is clunky.. Oh hang on, it's Windows Mobile based, that'll be why.

jim76 01-09-2008 01:12 PM

the Diamond was turd, but the new Touch Pro in a couple of weeks is magic. vast improvement on the Diamond

SHY 01-09-2008 01:16 PM

Opera Mini (www.opera.com) works great on most cellulars. Full functionality!

stegger 01-09-2008 01:19 PM

I use a globetrotter 3G+ card from Orange in my laptop with no problems at all. Just have tobe a bit careful with the card sticking out of the side, have broken 2:(

danDanEFC 01-09-2008 03:24 PM

3G iphone is great

Even with my fat fingers I can use oople and send pm's

Lee 01-09-2008 03:39 PM

ill second that, im well impressed with the iphone, even on 3g its pretty quick, and wifi is just immense for something so small:thumbsup:

frogger 01-09-2008 03:50 PM

3g iPhone here as well. Superb!

jim76 01-09-2008 03:56 PM

apple v windows mobile thread anyone?!! lol

Wraggy 01-09-2008 03:57 PM

ive looked at the iphone but you cant MMS and there is no flash on the camera ..

Chris Doughty 01-09-2008 04:04 PM

does the iPhone have any kind of instant messenger application on it, like yahoo ??

Southwell 01-09-2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Wraggy (Post 155389)
ive looked at the iphone but you cant MMS and there is no flash on the camera ..

No, you have to email, which is a bit pants.

Southwell 01-09-2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by DoughtyUK.net (Post 155394)
does the iPhone have any kind of instant messenger application on it, like yahoo ??

Not that i know of. There are sites which have a web interface though for MSN etc.

glypo 01-09-2008 04:36 PM

oOple works fine on the iPhone. The lack of Flash and Java does limit its use on a lot of other websites though. Lack of Java could potentially be excusable (a JRE shouldn't be too hard to implement, but Java is not really widespread) but in a world where 99% of internet going devices have Flash... lots of websites don't feel the need to have plain HTML components to substitute for Flash. This creates serious issues browsing some sites with an iPhone.

So much so that the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that Apple has misled consumers over advertising claims that the fact that the iPhone can display the "whole internet", which it can't. It's a real shame.

I've been playing with Google's Android platform which is due for release later this year and it's much the same story there. However trying to port stuff to work lower level I have found these devices are more than powerful enough, so I can't see an excuse.

I keep reading that Flash will be released soon for iPhone but I doesn't seem to happen? Windows Mobile however does support Flash, and there are some cool devices now by HTC, Samsung and others running Windows Mobile. These tend to be more powerful (hardware) in comparison to the iPhone also. (Samusung Omnia - funny video).

Personally I think Andorid will be the best platform by far for mobiles, and devices are due to be released within just a month or two. Some of the Androids themes, comibned with it's powerful GUI tools mean it actually works as well as, or even better than, the iPhone - which I think everyone could agree has one of the best UI's around and is a current industry benchmark.

And to anwser the IM question, yes the iPhone supports it but through stuff like Meebo and basically web based approasches. Maybe with the app store (Apple finnally released an SDK!) there will be some native programme for these. For Windows Mobile - there are already lots of native programmes to use for various IM services. I'm not a fan of the iPhone, it has a great GUI but there are still things that let it down. The cost is just the last straw for me, but I certainly can see why others are interested.

clarey 17-09-2008 01:44 PM

I tried to post a message today while I was out and about, and it let me log in, but whenever I clicked post reply it told me I wasn't logged in

Went out and came back in, and it still showed me logged on, but again when I clicked post it told me I wasn't :thumbdown:

I gave up in the end and came home lol

I don't have an iphone, i have a Samsung Tocco (in pink of course :thumbsup:)

Garry Driffill 17-09-2008 01:47 PM

I use my Nokia N95E 8GB through the wireless in our house sometimes and it works perfect! Awsome camera too..

mark christopher 17-09-2008 01:55 PM

if i use wap/3g i have trouble, if i use a wifi hot spot its cock on

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