Thread: Recycling
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Old 09-09-2008
AmiSMB AmiSMB is offline
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Default Recycling

I usually recycle the wheels by replacing the tyres on them but have recently had many wheels where they are a bit beyond it and it seems a shame to put them into the bin to go to landfill so does anyone know what the plastic wheels are made from and whether they can be recycled? I would also like to know if anything could be done with the excess rubber tyre that has to be gotten rid of as well. It would also be good to know if anything could be done with any other plastic parts that break on these cars. I sometimes keep the broken parts as I usually find a use for them later when I fettle them into a new part for other modelling projects but many still have to go straight in the rubbish bin as I simply would not have enough room! But I would rather be putting the plastic in the recycling bin instead!
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