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Old 30-08-2012
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jamiekerr14 jamiekerr14 is offline
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Im pritty shocked to hear this tbh as I know alot of the Kyosho team seem to be very helpful. And heard lots about Mike helping people out at the track, its a real shame you had such big issues. I may get attacked for saying this, but did you not think about running the car before Proline-A very big meeting.. when you need everything to be working 100%.
I know sometimes these things cant be helped, but spending 10 mins running the buggy at a track or over a few bumps/jumps you could have then spotted the issue. And tried to resolve it before Proline. If you did that then I take that back, but I would have wanted to try the buggy before Proline if it was brand new-But thats my view. Hope you get it sorted though!
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