Thread: spy pics !!
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Old 09-11-2007
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 104

i personaly find it a little odd looking at an ali chasis copy thats made from composite
as these are two completley different materials and need to be treated very differently for instance do you fancy driving your SUBARBISHI doing 150 mph on plastic rims that are exact copys of your old rims? thought not.....they would be altered and beefed up where nessary!

on my durango the front hinge pins are held captive in the chasis by about 1mm of ali before it breaks through the bottom of the chasis and because its ali its ok as aircraft ali ( very high grade ) is unbelivably durable but i dont like the composites chances and it looks very much like it shares the same dimensions as the bonifido car

i personaly think that this car should have been redesigned properly for the material it uses in its construction and just kept the real cars geometry and layout
im afraid that any sucker game enough to buy this car and think its as good as a durango is kidding themselfs coz at the moment its deffo not
which is a sad thing
but i understand its going to be affordable so this is a very good half way house
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