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Old 13-06-2013
gazhillAE gazhillAE is offline
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Default Sanwa Exzes X setup........

Hi guys

Right this is just a question to see how you all setup your tranny.

Steering wise do you set your high point at 150 or lower?
The lower you seem to go on the high point the more twitchy and sensitive the steering feels on track.
As in if you go down to 120 for the high point setting instead of 150 and then set your left/right end points you will notice a huge difference.

Throttle and brake wise what do you set your high point as?
The highest settings are 150 and 160 for throttle and brake
If you lower these settings to say 120 for both the car seems to have a more sensitive brake and more sensitive throttle movement.

What is right out of these or would you always set the high points at the highest possible settings...?

I've had a go of someone's car with the same electrics In it just the high points set much lower and it made the car feel totally different with the throttle, brake and steering delivery.

Any info or testing you've done would would be appreciated

Gareth Hill
Schumacher - Sanwa - LRP - Mb models
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