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Old 24-06-2014
Origineelreclamebord's Avatar
Origineelreclamebord Origineelreclamebord is offline
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Jörn has been running prototype gear for most of the time, working closely together with Gerd Strenge. As long as the paycheck is good I don't see Jörn leaving, and if he does, I wouldn't be surprised if Gerd Strenge would, too.

As for a 4WD-style 2WD production car, who knows. I do know that Jörn will usually run whatever works best, which is usually a prototype: after all you gain knowledge from running your car which uncovers room for improvement, and a competitive spirit will not wait around to implement these improvements However, Durango will not produce a 4WD-2WD just because the pro runs it, there has to be sufficient demand for it. From what I have seen running where I go, the 410V4 and 210V2 haven't been selling as well as their respective predecessors. If that is the case, I'm not sure they'll make a release that may compete as much with their own sales from other cars as it does with that of other brands.

3D Printing Upgrade Parts - FF210 Buggy
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