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Old 02-09-2014
SlowOne SlowOne is offline
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Just a note to add to James' reply...

Any car with no diff is a challenge to drive. Making ProductionCup the class where only kit-standard cars can be used seems like the right thing to do, but the point was made at the EGM that making drivers with a kit-standard car drive something that was more difficult than a ProductionCup car made little sense... if any at all!

Add the that all the points James made and you are left with a desire to have a class that drivers can handle, is cheap and gives a lot of smiles per race. The best way to do that is slow it down a bit; 17.5 has a ready-made list of motors that work and fulfils that need. The vote was simple.

Over the last three years we have tried hard as a Section to create a class that is popular and easy to get into. By and large we succeeded in spades. However, to think we could get that right first time would be foolish, so things have evolved in the last three years. I hope that we have now stabilised the Rules, and it only remains to sort out a stable set of events at National level. We'll get there - the support of all you guys in the Clubs is essential to that, and greatly appreciated by the Section.

Lets go race GT12!!
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