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Old 13-11-2008
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njc11 njc11 is offline
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Ok... Ive just spoken to the powers to be at the Athletic Center... and they have said run the meeting as before!!

The school have said nothing about the marking of the floor, so as far as the Athletic Center itself are concerned it aint an issue..

The cleaner based at the Athletic Center goes over the surface with the big ride on machine twice a week and its getting it up slowly. But this is done the "wet" way, which in my opinion makes it hard work (weighs the dust/debris down).. So with talking to them they will try it without the water so it will be just one big brushing hoover, so in theory it should come up with out an issue..

After the next event on the 7th, the machine will be going over the floor as soon as everything is away.

To say im pleased is an understatement!! Its been alot of time and hardwork involved in getting this series/venue/equipment together.. and with this outcome this venue will go from strength to strength.

The only changes we have to make, is more of a safety issues.. the rostrum has to have its back against the wall, with only one way up and one way down, so one end will be blocked off. The other things we have to do is tape down all the main power cables (trip hazzards) which we supply to you the racers to plug into and finally keep clear access routes to all fire escapes.

The fire escape used to bring all the gear in etc will only be opened at the begining of the day and then at the end when people are ready to leave. There is strictley no access from here during the day and you will be instructed to use the main entrance doors to get to the car park etc

So come on people, time to get booked in for the 7th December!



Book in for December the 7th straight to

Then check the website for the list. ( )

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