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Old 03-12-2012
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Airwave Airwave is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 64

Just FYI, it protects succesfully my front shock tower since I've done that...

But something strange happened last race. I crashed directly into something not vertical, something which touch the shock tower without touching the front cell, so nothing could help, my upper cell was decapitated!

So I manage to change the upper cell, and I do have two spares, one coming from the original trf502X spare item and the other coming from the DB02 option item...I chose the 502 one and remount my front upper chassis... Strangely something has changed, once everything was brought together, I did have a gap between my reinforcement the front shock tower support, about 2.5mm!!! I had to put some screws for the two pieces to be in contact. I tried the other one but it really seems that the mold used for these items has changed!

Does anybody noticed something about that?
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