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Old 16-04-2020
AmiSMB AmiSMB is offline
Mad Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Bracklesham Bay, West Sussex
Posts: 1,375

Having been racing for a while I would say the most social are 1/8th racers especially as you have to get someone else to be your pitman and frienships and banter is formed that way, whereas in 1/10th electric you do not have this and you can be rather alone.

I think because of the short duration and no bumping up in finals in 1/10th means that there is more pressure on your performance within the 5 minute race rather than a more relaxed approach in 1/8th.
Schumacher KC, KD, CAT XLS, CAT L1 | Team C TM2 V2, TM4, TC02 | JQ The Car | Mugen MBX6 | Losi 8T,8BE 1.5 | Durango DEX-410V4 | FTX Blaze | XRAY M18T | Kyosho STR,Surf Dude,Nexus 30 | Nimrif Makara | MFA Spear | She Devil | T-Rex 450SEV2,250SE | Ark X-400 | Protech Butterfly,Zoom 400 | Ikarus Piccolo | VW T4 | Smart 450 | KC-250 | BoltRC Kraken 5" | Emax Nighthawk 250 | Gravity 250 | S550 | Prusa i3 | TronXY X5A | Must stop collecting stuff!
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