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jimmy 01-08-2007 04:58 PM

Trip to the 'Worlds'
So, I've been thinking about these World Championships that are coming up in Japan and there's no interest from any magazines I've talked to - so if I go it would be mainly to make some nice reading for this website.
It's very hard to afford a trip on my own or even justify it - but at the same time it would be rather cool to put my own spin on things. So there is the possibility of

some 'exclusive' Advertising on any race report to 'help' pay for it

- or -

charging people a quid to read it - (which I really don't like to do).

It's not really like a National where I'd be 'going anyway' so it doesn't matter - it would be going to some far off land to get the best (hopefully) photos and report.

Any ideas / suggestions? or should I give up the idea now :D

bigred5765 01-08-2007 05:00 PM

i would defo pay a quid to read a exclusive report nps

woOdy 01-08-2007 05:02 PM

I dont think you should go as you should be coming to my daughters christening!

dancoog 01-08-2007 07:46 PM

Do it!

After the report on the EUROS I wanted to drop you some support on your paypal.

I figure a race focussed website like this needs support from its readers.

Nothing against the current magazines but the content of this site far outweighs the price of a magazine.

I'd sooner drop a fiver in your coffers than pick up a mag that is 70% non race focussed content.

I will spport you in the venture to Japan, even if it's only a 10 quid.

Just keep up the good work and the support will rally around you.


ashleyb4 01-08-2007 08:50 PM

Ill come jimmy :)


Chrislong 01-08-2007 09:14 PM

A report on Japan would be ace, especially with you not racing - it'd be huge!!! and id pay more than £1 to read it.

BUT, I have looked into going to this worlds myself, and the cost of flights, distance from airport to track, geography of track and culture of the surrounding areas doesn't make it an inviting place for westerners in my opinion.

So id say, Jimmy, have a break!! Get a plane ticket booked somewhere hot and sunny, you deserve a proper jolly after all the work you have done for RC in 2007.


jimmy 01-08-2007 09:31 PM

yeah I have heard some negatives about it chris - especially bad since I'm the fussiest eater known to man. But I still fancy it I have to say and I think it'd be a great cap to the year (I can retire after that, haha)

Seriously though, I know the Worlds isn't a 'laugh' like the Euro Champs can be - and these guys will be all business when it comes to winning. But, I still think it would be an a 'cool' report :)

I am looking into getting some manufacturers to help out - if it doesn't happen it won't change anything I guess since right now we are struggling to find affordable flights etc like you said.

DCM 01-08-2007 09:42 PM

Jimmy, don't give up, blag it, can the BRCA not help, going as their 'Media Rep'??

How long you got to go to the worlds? And if you do go, speak to your web hosts first, expect a LOT of traffic!!!

What about selling photo's to distributors, for their websites and merchandise?

JCJC 01-08-2007 10:36 PM

yep.......we would pay to read that........it'le not be cheap tho.

Ron Burgundy 01-08-2007 10:54 PM

A lot of the aussie guys are going, bunk in with those boys......

expense is the reason im not going....and the HUGE chance of it being rained out (it is in a ski field resort you know) :)

Would be good to see an actual proper photo gallery of cars/people etc as the worlds are all about new cars and prototype parts and all kinds of stuff.. Get onto it Jimbo!

sly 01-08-2007 10:57 PM

Yo Jimmy i went in Aug 2000 and i found it very different to anywhere else on earth i have visited, very friendly to westerners and a visit to akihabara for electrics etc is a must (two years in front), you can set you watch by the trains and you can get beer out of a street vending machine. and a visit to Roppongi is a must for late nights.;) you can even visit 'E Honda' via train, (streetfighter character).

But i`d jump at the chance to go and experience over there again, and i`d recomend Japan as great place to visit once in your life.

I would pay to read the report and view the photos etc.
Im sure if everyone of your members would donate £1 and that be over £1500 to get you there,


p.s. Turkish airways was cheapest in 2000

annie_himself 01-08-2007 11:30 PM

It sounds great but how much is a Euro "E" to $1.

Andy Moore 02-08-2007 04:05 AM

1. Take paypal donations.

2. Sponsorships on the coverage page.

3. Have a membership option (~$20) for oople.com where members get coverage ahead of others (~1 day) for a fee per year. Maybe something else extra, I dunno? If you want to view one event, then its ~$2.

trekkerkk 02-08-2007 06:07 AM

i would donate,
its great to be able to keep up with whats going at the major races that im not at,


Lee Martin 02-08-2007 07:23 AM

well ill be going with vik and jim as a travel partner.........so come on everyone...you get to see pisc of me annoying lil jap girls

Wraggy 02-08-2007 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by pidge (Post 53675)
you get to see pisc of me annoying lil jap girls

why does that not surprise me :D :D ;) ..

GRIFF55 02-08-2007 07:55 AM

could you do a dvd of the event and sell that to raise some cash too??
I think the route of a membership fee to see it is best, count me in!

Lee Martin 02-08-2007 08:27 AM

you wanna make a movie??????


diamond watch anyone?

Elliott Hopkins 02-08-2007 08:35 AM

I went a couple of years ago for about two weeks to Tokyo and Kyoto with a Bullet Train past Mt. Fuji in between. It was the best experience of my life.

(copy and paste what 'sly' has previously said here as I concur with what he says)

It's not such a different culture, but things over there are subtly different and they are more reverential of the past. The temples and palaces were beautiful, expecially in the rainy February that I went.

If you need travel tips let me know...


Chrislong 02-08-2007 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Elliott Hopkins (Post 53690)
I went a couple of years ago for about two weeks to Tokyo and Kyoto .

Aye, but the track is up in the mountains were the Samurais took Tom Cruise in that film... ;)

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