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Old 27-02-2014
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1066 Racing 1066 Racing is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Hastings and Bexhill
Posts: 58
Default 1066 Racing: on Oople!

Hi all

Just a very quick thread to say hello and a big thank you to Oople for giving us a club section on such a prominent RC forum!

We'll be updating our area with a thread on how we set up the club, and all the details you need to contact or find us, and some tips for beginners who might want to come and join us for a look or to start racing.

Some brief details until we have time to start some detailed threads:

We race 1/10th off road electric, in Hastings Sussex.

Our venue is a full size sports hall, The Y Centre, Hastings, and we race on a 95% carpet, 5% slippery track, 2.4m wide minimum, with a series of professionally made jumps designed to be fun and fast.

We currently race on Sunday nights, once a fortnight. The first meeting is March 9th. Current meetings are evenings 1730-2130.

The venue postcode is: TN37 6RS

We have another thread on Oople with we will endeavour to move to our section, but in the mean time, here's a link:


We also have a Facebook page for those of you on FB; link:


We held an open night on 23rd Feb, and were really pleased to play host to nearly 40 drivers form the south east, including some of the regions top competitors. Here's a short promo video from the night.


Finally, if you'd like to get in touch with us you can do so on here, on FB, or via our email address which is: 1066racing@gmail.com

We're a bit slow off the mark with DM's, PM's etc on Oople or FB as we're all juggling day jobs, so the fastest way to get in touch is with a PUBLIC reply or question! This also helps us as somebody else might want to ask the same thing.

More threads and info soon; we're all flat out preparing for our first meeting on March 9th. See you soon!
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Old 05-04-2014
andrewc andrewc is offline
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Location: Sussex
Posts: 230

More info, dates and a video added to new threads today. Have a look!
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Old 24-01-2015
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1066 Racing 1066 Racing is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Hastings and Bexhill
Posts: 58

We have moved!

New venue is literally a 1 minute drive from the old one, but a world apart in terms of faciluties. Bigger, more modern, higher rostrum, bar, some food available on site. Come down and see us soon!

Horntye Park Sports Complex
Bohemia Road
TN34 1EX

Our first race meeting at the new venue is 25/1/15; We will arrive early for this one to do a first time set up, 1500, free practice 1600-1800, racing 1800-2130 approx.

NORMAL RACE MEETINGS doors open 1700, free practice as soon as track is set up, (so help and you get more practice!) racing from approx 1800-2130.

Dates are fortnightly from the 25th January 2015 ALL YEAR so easy to work out. Facebook page as usual has all the updates and pictures you need to persuade you to come and race with us!


Thanks, Andrew C on behalf of 1066 Racing
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