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Old 22-08-2008
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simply the best computer in the world. they will not get any viruses and look and perform the best.
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Old 22-08-2008
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Craig - I don't disagree with much of what you said, but I think you misread my post.

I said industry use supercomputers with Linux for special effects. Which you will find they do, rendering some effects (particularly when CGI is involved) takes serious serious power. The applications or the power does not exist for Mac. Of course I totally agree that the public and prosumers don't need supercomputers to edit video, or indeed neither does industry (although they need powerful boxes when they start dealing with production quality material – but certainly not mainframes).

General video editing, for sure stuff like Premier is widely used, particularly on a prosumer level. But as you also say these apps run on Windows or on Mac... which do not give a compelling reason to buy a Mac system over Windows.

As for Mac's being backbone of creative industry, I disagree to an extent. At prosumer level yes, but that's more to do with Macs popularity with the creative type. But Linux really is the backbone of the creative industry in terms of movies and television. 3D and special effects is almost exclusively Linux, I hope you agree there. ILM, Pixar etc etc all use Linux or UNIX machines on large mainframe computers. But even for video editing and video tasks that don't require the computational power, I know of companies in London that have 500+ Linux (CentOS, RHEL and Fedora seem popular, anything Red Hat based I assume) boxes for editing and compilation and the same is repeated all around the world.

I know very little about the graphical design/image manipulation/etc industry. So I don't know what's widely used here, and I don't care much to comment on what I don't know. But I wouldn't be surprised if Mac's were the norm here however.

Just for my general interest, do you know what kind of Mac boxes that the 3D companies use that you said XP runs better on? In theory it's impossible for XP to run better on a Mac than a normal machine, as Mac is a normal machine. Unless of course the Macs were slightly older when they were running PPC chips rather than x86's, which is basically what I'm thinking maybe 3D software runs better on PPC than x86? Which could explain why I always tend to find video industry running Red Hat based Linux (RH supports PPC as well as X86 and X86_64) so maybe video companies using RH based as they use PPC that maybe works better on 3D? Just a curiosity on my part if you happen to know. Thanks.
Jason Moller
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Old 22-08-2008
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Originally Posted by Lee View Post
Did i mention about the little apple on the back
I just noticed that - I've got apple on back of my notebook too (got sticker from Iphone ). It really confuses people - I was asked if it's Fujitsu-Siemens Apple once

Wasn't this thread about laptop and not about special effects in TV (I know stupid question)?
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Old 22-08-2008
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They are running base Mac Pros with XP pro Sp2 on. They found them to render out a bit quicker, crash less, not bring the whole system down when they do, and they can push 3DS Max harder. All started when the boss of one company that was based with us tried Max on my MBP with XP Pro and was really impressed.

What are the guys in london running on their Unix Boxes? Every editor i've ever met has either used FCP or AVID (the odd one still using premiere), and AVID is far from a prosumer application.
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Old 23-08-2008
SlowOne SlowOne is offline
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They're not the only ones sounding the bell for MS. China's market goes 66%+ to Linux/OpenSource systems, and they will not adopt any US software. India is in the middle of developing a standard for Linux/OpenSource at the expense of MS, and Google, Sony (PS2 and PS3) all use Linux. And up until last December, the Mac OS X system was outselling Vista...

Best get a Mac, it's the only one that can run all the best available operating systems...
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Old 23-08-2008
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Hell, i've not read quite so much nonsense and speculation in ages

Right, i've used Mac's and PC's since the 1st Mac colour was introduced, and it was a revelation compared with where windows was. Everything the PC industry has done & does is 'borrowed' from the innovation created at apple. Anyone who has done there homework will know that Bill Gates worked for apple in the early days of Silicon Valley and basically robbed what they were doing when he set up Microsoft ! The only reason Microsoft is huge is that Gates was a clever businessman and was in it for the money, so he licensed his software to all PC vendors, whilst apple wanted to remain creative and retain control over there hardware & software. This is what they still do today, which is why everything just works ! No viruses, no spyware, no nasty windows and 'spit' Vista !

Basically there was a day when the Mac was hugely expensive and underpowered, but we are taking pre-imac here, before Steve Jobs took the lead at apple again. Today the mac is in every way superior to an equivalent PC. In fact if you want a decent graphics / 3d workstation, the MacPro with 2xQuad core Intel CPU's is actually much cheaper than anything that can get anywhere near for similar money ! They are in fact a bargain, which is why they are being used in the TV / animation industry more and more. What do you think they use at Pixar ? (another company set up by Steve Jobs of apple....)

Ok, the laptops are a little more expensive than comparable PC alternatives, but you pay for quality. People on this forum don't as a rule buy cheap crap RC stuff do they, it's just the same with a PC if you are into it and want to get a lot out of it.

Lastly, log onto apple.com, go to the UK store and at the bottom of the page, on the right hand side you can link to the apple refurbished store, I always buy from here, you can get some great bargains, especially on laptops, so take a look.

If you have never tried an apple, you don't know what you are missing, computers should just work and not be an obstacle to getting stuff done, so for that reason alone, i'll always prefer to use my Mac over my PC.

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Old 23-08-2008
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Okay I wasn't going to reply to this thread again, but I have to now. It's amazing what crap you can read online sometimes. Andy I'm sorry, but almost everything you said is incorrect.

Bill Gates robbed Apple software? No! Blimey you could probably get sued for even implying that.Yes everyone knows about Gate's work for Apple in the early days but none of this was connected to Microsoft. Everyone who knows the slightest bit of computer history know that Microsoft bought QDOS and basically re-branded and improved it to become PC-DOS/MS-DOS. Original Mac's worked in a totally different way off a totally different architecture so Gate's couldn't have stolen anything even he wanted to to. But why would you want to if you just purchased your own operating system? (link)

“Everything the PC industry has done & does is 'borrowed' from the innovation created at apple” Please see my earlier posts about ignorant people who think Mac's aren't PC's. Then learn some facts. As an Apple user you must be well aware OSX is actually UNIX based. So firstly I'd say that Apple has copied the 1970's UNIX OS. So failure one in your statement. Now lets not forget the X Windows System developed for UNIX and all the subsequent add-ons. I can totally give credit to Apple for the great work they done in 2000/2001 for their composting window manager (Quartz). But there is no doubt in recent years all the great stuff Windows and Mac have based all there cool stuff off opensource compositing software such as Compiz. So once again this company supposedly full of innovation and leading the industry is just working off what it being done. It's not a bad thing, but you can't just outright lie and say Apple are the source of this innovation. (link)

Also how naive is everyone for thinking Mac's are immune to viruses and malware? NOTHING is immune. Sure the majority of malicious software is directed at Windows, but that's simply because of its popularity. You will find that Mac's are actually one of the most vulnerably systems, as the users are lulled into a completely false sense of security – thus they don't have any antivirus software to protect themselves when stuff starts going wrong. So I would urge all Mac users who don't have anti-virus software to get some.

”What do you think they use at Pixar” Think? It's fact - Marionette and PhotoRealistic RenderMan (Rman) that run on Linux and UNIX. Sure, some of the stuff like image design is probably done on Macs as Steve Jobs used to own Pixar a few years ago. But all the animation and rendering is not. Oh by the way, Pixar was set up by George Lucas and not Steve Jobs, who simply purchased the company after it was well established, and sold it some years later. So once again you fail. (link)

As for Mac Pro being cheaper than an equivalent Linux or Windows machine. I have just done some research. As I like to base my statements on facts rather then nonsense. Using the specification of a £1749 machine on apple.com/uk I priced up a machine using the same 2 Xeon processors, same amount of ram, hard disk space and speed, same graphics etc and it came to £743.69, that is £1,000 cheaper than the Mac Pro.. so your argument once again fails. So for £1749 I could get a machine of MUCH greater quality if I wanted to run Linux or Windows.

As much as it may seem, I'm not anti-mac. I'm just totally fed up with the rubbish that spurts from Mac users mouths. You can't post such a condescending post talking about the nonsense in other peoples posts if you can't get the facts right yourself. People have opinions, which is good, and some people prefer Macs, fine. Some people may prefer the way Macs look or feel which is good, their personal preference, but that doesn't mean people should make lies to justify their opinion. Just as someone said above, rationally Macs no economic sense but you can't put a price on what your heart wants.

Now everyone will be relived to read this is genuinely my last post on this thread, or I think my head will explode. I have posted links to all my statements to prove they are indeed fact, as I wouldn't be replying again to go further off-topic just to correct people. I just wish I could write as colourfully as this guy:

Jason Moller
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Old 23-08-2008
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I work in a Windows networking environment daily, and it does its job well (using XP SP3 on client workstations, and server 2003 on our main file and other servers).

From my point of view, XP does its job in terms of being an operating system to run my apps (office, adobe, IE, and mostly s**t educational software!). Through the use of imaging machines for classrooms, it is easy to setup, fairly easy to find solutions to problems (mainly due to its high use in both industry, education, government, and small businesses). Through group policies we can easily lock down the system to prevent malpractice and messing by students. However in terms of a home computer XP and Vista SUCKS compared to Leopard for the following reasons:

1) Machine backup in native Windows is just so shocking and rubbish! You have to use bundled software with the laptop, or shell out extra cash to do this..
2) No native DVD support or DVD burning in Windows, so you have to purchase additional software at extra cost!
3) iTunes actually works without causing your machine to slow to a crawl (like on Windows). I know you can use other apps with your iPod in Windows, (e.g. Winamp).
4) Driver support in Mac is far superior.

Quite often we get teachers and staff coming in and asking what to get for a home computer...

My answer is:
If you want a computer, buy a Dell or HP machine. If you want a GOOD computer, buy an Apple Mac with Leopard OSX on it, and download OpenOffice.org to do office work, or buy MSOffice for Mac if you want to do MS Access.

Personally I am typing this on a HP Laptop running XP (as I can't stand Vista's control panel layout and extreme hardware requirements) mainly as I just use the internet, email, and some typing etc etc. and if I want to do something for work (huh?) at home I know it will work fine without issue.

Just my two cents
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Old 23-08-2008
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Originally Posted by Richard Lowe View Post
Lastly anyone that has trouble with Vista either has a steam powered machine they are trying to run it on, of they're a bit... useless.
This is second-hand information, but everyone on the Pro/Engineer users email list reports that benchmarks run slower under Vista than under XP - and most of these people ought to now how to configure a system, or have techies who do. They're also running some pretty serious hardware, as CAD users can't afford to wait for slow machines every time they open an assembly.

We'll certainly hold on to XP for as long as possible in my office...
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Old 23-08-2008
SlowOne SlowOne is offline
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Glypo, if Microsoft are so original, then how come their Windows 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 systems were developed using a license from Apple for the GUI system? The fact that Apple lost the case against MS for taking more than the license allowed does not get away from the fact that almost everything we see on MS systems these days in terms of GUIs emanates from Apple.

Can't argue with the rest of your post as I don't know, but to represent MS as almost independent of Apple's innovations is not the best plan. And, on that note, there is no invention that hasn't relied on something that went before - Bell probably didn't invent the telephone, Gray might have done, but without Faraday neither would have got anywhere near it!

And, back on topic, Macs are still the best personal computer.
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Old 24-08-2008
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Originally Posted by glypo View Post
Okay I wasn't going to reply to this thread again, but I have to now. It's amazing what crap you can read online sometimes. Andy I'm sorry, but almost everything you said is incorrect.
Look, i'm not going to get into anything silly here, I stand by what I said. As for the Bill gates stuff, I was referring to the GUI / mouse etc (I know everyone robbed this from Xerox before you mention it, but apple saw it's potential when no-one else did).

On the cost issue, I quickly looked on scan's website to price up the Xeon chips in the Mac Pro, and the Mac Pro has 2 of these puppies !

Here's the link...


£534.24 including Vat...each, which is £1068.48 in my book just for the same processors that are in the mac. Now i'm not shopping around here, but I did a while ago for a decent rendering / 3d workstation and like for like, the apple kit is cheaper.

Tom's hardare (good site if you don't know it) did a comparison, trying to build a machine to kind of Mac Pro spec, bearing in mind you would need to build this yourself and they went for as cheap gear as possible, here's the link.

Macs at Pixar anyone ?


Now i'm not anti PC, i've used both platforms from way back, so I speak from experience and my opinion is based on user experience. Mac's are the way forward for anyone wanting a computer / software that just works without needed an IT degree.

Now I too will say no more, this is an RC forum after all

Glypo, i'm assuming you specced up the Intel Core 2 Quads (not the Quad Xeons) as to the best of my knowledge these are not configurable in a dual CPU system ?
On the other hand, if i'm wrong, please post a link to where I can get my amazingly cheap system !

Hell the guy who started this thread went for a Mac Laptop anyway, so this is pretty pointless

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Old 25-08-2008
Shadow Shadow is offline
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ive ran out of popcorn. better get some more into the microwave.

This thread its as good as asking which is better?

black better or white?

AE or Losi?

Ford or Opel?

I've used macs since the original Apple II. Ive used all incarnation of the the Mac OS 7, 8, 9 and now X

Ive used all sorts of "backyard make your own frankenstein" PCs to High end Branded PCs such as Dell, Toshiba, HP etc etc with Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista

Heck, Ive even own Mac Clones! (who remember the days of Power Computing and UMAX Macs!!!?? )

The problem with answering the argument of "which is better" is that there are people here who grew up with computing in the 80s and very early nineties. Macs and PCs were very very different back then and each played a specific role in the role of a "computer". These people (me included) will tell you a very different story comparing to new kids on the block who are just getting into computers now.

These days, my personal opinion is that Gates and Jobs are sleeping in the same bed together. Just one wears the cool black and jeans and appeal to the "creative types", the other one has to make sure he is the biggest geek coming out of Porkys.

Blame it on Global Capitalisation if you want... the end game is to capture BOTH sides.

some stuff works better than on windows.
some stuff works better on macs. it all depends on the software and how well it plays with the hardware.

oh. and your budget.

food for thought.
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Old 25-08-2008
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Heyup Shadow.

I too had a Umax clone once upon a time, dark days indeed ! It died a horrible death, never worked properly and ultimately found it's way back to my supplier, to be swapped for the 'real deal'

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Old 25-08-2008
SlowOne SlowOne is offline
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Good points, everyone. I'd like to add just one as it is about the money...

A Mac will last many years as it is much easier to upgrade - I've only had three since 1987 - and every software update is backwards compatible. Compared to friends and colleagues, I've paid more for my hardware and software, but far, far less frequently. On value-for-money over a ten-year period, it's hard to beat a Mac.
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Old 26-08-2008
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i really like mac laptops i ate miine it tase off apple
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Old 27-08-2008
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Can the timing software used at nationals be used on the mac ?

Is it called drivernet or something?


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Old 28-08-2008
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Glypo, I've never known so much hatred towards a box of electronics. What's so special about Apple?
I'm sure if someone asked about buying an Audi TT I'm sure we wouldn't have to put up with trolling about them being overpriced junk and the people who buy them are idiots because it's just the same components as a Skoda Octavia RS in an overpriced metal box.

As you've now stated your piece but aren't prepared to back them up by replying again I'll just correct your FUD for you.
Originally Posted by glypo View Post
And the software - how much of a mug do you have to be to buy OSX?!?! It's UNIX based... and people pay for it lol. It's honestly a source of much amusement to me. If you want a UNIX like system, you can download one of many Linux distros for free, legitimately, and find unlike OSX they are decent too.
Nope, if you want the BSD/Unix core that is underneath OSX it's an open source OS called Darwin and is available as a free download from Apple Being open source they even provide the source code. I presume you also count all those companies that choose Red Hat Linux as mugs for paying for their OS as well. Why do businesses pay for Red Hat instead of any of the free Linux you can find? Because they expect support that will deal with their problem when they want it and to get that service they pay for it. Works out more expensive than OSX as well.
Mac OSX comes free with every Mac, the only time you will have to pay for it is when you want to upgrade the OS to the next version, which also includes a full set of the great iLife suite, developer tools, etc. Sure I could download a Linux OS, but the reason I prefer OSX is the user interface, not because it's Unix. The last paid for upgrade of OSX was two and a half years ago and each OSX upgrade usually adds many more features and a significant speed boost each time.
I love people that think Mac's are immune to viruses. Just as my mate did, until I checked his system. Nothing is immune to malware... sure most of it is written for Windows based systems but that doesn't mean all.
Name one of these viruses, and did you use Intego Virusbarrier or ClamXav to remove them? Considering how opinionated you are on the subject how many weeks/months/years experience have you had of OSX?

The truth about OSX viruses. Since 1984 until 2001 there were around 60 viruses for the mac OS, each virus being killed off with every system update. Since 2001 and the release of OSX there has been one trojan found called Leap-A. For it to work you had to either download a file called latestpics.tgz or accept it being sent over IM, then expand the compressed file, then run it and type in an admin password so it can run. A bit of a giveaway if you click on a picture and it asks for your admin password. It then sent itself to anyone on your local network (so not the internet) using one specific version of OSX and one specific version of iChat (any older or newer versions don't give it access) and due to a bug in the trojan all it did was break the four most recent applications, but only those you have installed by drag and drop. It could not access any part of the system, nor any of the original Apple applications installed. Since then there has been no other trojans, nor has there ever been any viruses, spyware, malware, etc. on Mac OSX.
There are a couple of anti-virus programs for OSX, their main purpose is to prevent you forwarding any Windows viruses to others.
It's just like the whole iPod thing. Take a second to compare and you will find players with much better sound quality (Creative, Sony, Toshiba, SanDisk etc) and better video support... yet it seems everyone has iPods because it's the 'cool' thing to have.
Compare the ease of use of an iPod with any of the others, the one thing Apple does well is the user interface which for 99% of people is what matters, not the fact that a particular make has a bit better sound quality when you are going to be listening to it on the bus. If sound quality is a consideration you won't be playing mp3s. The iPhone again was considered underspecified compared with other smartphones, yet it has outsold all Windows Mobile phones put together purely because of the great interface. I'm sure the marketing has helped
Originally Posted by glypo View Post
What is it with Mac users and the term PC. Do Apple suddenly sell mainframes, servers and supercomputers? Or do Mac users (and Apple marketing) not realise their machines are in fact Personal Computers? Just because IBM defined the term with a Windows machine, does not make all Macs somehow not PC's.
Yes, Apple sell Xserve servers and SystemX is an Apple Supercomputer at Virginia Tech, Mach 5 is an Apple Supercomputer used by the US military. They don't do mainframes though. Conversely what is it with Windows/Linux users and the term PC, they use the term to define their computers as an IBM Compatible and don't recognise a Mac as a PC.
Choice as well, with Windows or Linux box you have a wealth of hundreds of thousands of completely different styles with hardware options (I can name hundreds of laptop manufacturers for Windows for example, try doing that for Mac) and you can style Windows and Linux much easier than Mac to suit your needs.
Yet 9 out of 10 Windows PCs will still be bought from a small selection at PC World or similar, and never upgraded. Naming hundreds of manufacturers is fine, but if the laptops are all same as everyone else's you are only looking at a hundred different boxes the components are in. Naming hundreds of laptop manufacturers as an example of choice is contradictory to stating the Macbook is just the same as the others but more expensive.

Originally Posted by glypo View Post
As for Mac's being backbone of creative industry, I disagree to an extent. But Linux really is the backbone of the creative industry in terms of movies and television. 3D and special effects is almost exclusively Linux, I hope you agree there.
Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Brothers and Columbia Pictures are Final Cut Studio based for their editing and effects, so using Macs. Linux is quite often used for their render farms and servers. Dreamworks is the only studio that uses Linux extensively. The BBC uses Final Cut studio.
Pixar etc etc all use Linux
Bad choice there
I know very little about the graphical design/image manipulation/etc industry. So I don't know what's widely used here, and I don't care much to comment on what I don't know. But I wouldn't be surprised if Mac's were the norm here however.
Macs are the norm and for very good reason. They have much more accurate colour management (what you see on screen is what comes out of the printer) and as the Quartz graphics engine in OSX is pdf based it guarantees the layout on the screen is what is printed. Once designed the final pages can be saved as a pdf file that can be sent to the printer and it will print with exactly the same layout on the page, right down to text spacing.

Unless of course the Macs were slightly older when they were running PPC chips rather than x86's, which is basically what I'm thinking maybe 3D software runs better on PPC than x86?
Apple abandoned PPC because the chips couldn't keep up with the performance of x86's. To show the difference the first x86 Mac ran up to 4 times faster than the previous PPC Mac, but general computing requires the processors to perform well in many areas.
The PPC chips RISC architecture and AltiVec instruction set does speed up 3D rendering, especially texture mapping, which makes them useful for 3D work.
Originally Posted by glypo View Post
As for Mac Pro being cheaper than an equivalent Linux or Windows machine. I have just done some research. As I like to base my statements on facts rather then nonsense. Using the specification of a £1749 machine on apple.com/uk I priced up a machine using the same 2 Xeon processors, same amount of ram, hard disk space and speed, same graphics etc and it came to £743.69, that is £1,000 cheaper than the Mac Pro.
I would also like to know where you get the twin quad core X5482 Xeons, Firewire 800 ports, optical digital audio in/out, gigabit ethernet, etc. for much less than an Apple machine.

Originally Posted by markwilliamson2001 View Post
2) No native DVD support or DVD burning in Windows, so you have to purchase additional software at extra cost!
4) Driver support in Mac is far superior.
It amazes me that even Windows Vista can't play DVDs out of the box. Compare this with OSX which includes a DVD player with a separate remote control. With the included iLife software you can create your own professional quality DVDs, and you can burn them directly from OSX.
The big reason I like OSX is that I can buy a camera, scanner, printer, etc., plug it in and it will be recognised and work without needing any drivers to be installed.
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Old 29-08-2008
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Well Terry, I reckon that just about sums it up
Nice one fella.

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Old 29-08-2008
Richard Lowe Richard Lowe is offline
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Originally Posted by terry.sc View Post
It amazes me that even Windows Vista can't play DVDs out of the box.
Of course it can! XP didn't include a DVD decoder plugin but Vista has it as standard along with the Media Centre interface in Home Premium
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Old 30-08-2008
SlowOne SlowOne is offline
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My colleague can't - he bought a simple unit including Home Basic to keep the costs down, and DVDs are a foreign object to his PC. He was not happy to discover that when you buy Windows Vista, there are four versions and he was sold a pup.

On the other hand, another colleague who bought a Mac came into the office the other day with a DVD of his holiday fun at an off-road track. There's one version of Mac OS X, it contains everything, and you get iLife (iTunes, iPhoto, DVD, etc.) thrown in. He's a very happy bunny.

Terry speaks wise words, to be heeded...
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